Tech Releases: August 2022
Code-splitting for Fast Loading. Rich Data for Funnel Analysis.
You speak, we listen. The Beepboop team has got your back and we are bringing you tons of product updates on the regular. Keep your feature requests and bug reports coming to
August 26, 2022: Speak App v5.2.0
The app will load faster for all users, thanks to major under-the-hood improvements to routing and implementation of code-splitting
Update styling for the class feedback form, as well as the ability to access the form with one click from after-class emails
Update booking page filters to reflect current class types
Add translations to payment confirmation page
Security updates
August 9, 2022: Speak App v5.1.10
Funnel Analysis: Add anonymized event logging of when a user registers for and attends their first and second classes. This helps us easily compare week-over-week data to see how we’re improving motivating students to learn.
August 4, 2022: Speak App v5.1.9
Stability update. No user-facing changes
August 1, 2022: Speak App v5.1.8
Stability update. No user-facing changes